Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) is now an evidenced-based therapy and a very sought out treatment in psychotherapy. It allows you to understand your psyche in a deep and authentic way that creates the most powerful healing of old emotional wounds and trauma. IFS is a proven method for individual and couples psychotherapy with an intensive training program and strong community support among certified therapists in the USA and internationally. IFS enables you to understand each of the parts of your psyche, sometimes called sub-personalities or simply aspects of yourself. You can think of them as little people inside you. Each part of you has its own history, perspective, feelings, memories, beliefs (starting in childhood), goals, and motivations. For example, one part of you might be trying to date and find a partner, and another part might want to stay single and avoid intimacy. We all have many parts, and we each have a core authentic center, the Self, which is basically the true essence of who we are. Through IFS you can discover your true Self, learn how to be in Self, develop a relationship with each of your parts, unburden them from their trauma history and emotional pain, and heal them. The key within IFS is that your healing comes from you - your Self in relation to your parts. This means that you can do IFS on your own if you are mostly grounded in your Self, which is what makes IFS therapy available to many people at any time. You can also find an IFS therapist to discover and get to know your inner world of different parts.